Let’s Move Outside! on the North East Heritage Path
On a damp and chilly September Sunday morning, Husband Jim and I completed our ninth hike in the Let’s Move Outside! Erie County Recreational Passport. We could smell the grapes in the air as we walked through the town. North East is located in the largest grape-growing region in the eastern United States, and you’ll find nine wineries there. Like peanut butter and jelly? Welch’s makes its home there, too.
You should know that the passport states the trail as 1.5 miles long, however, if you’ll notice, the end of the trail is not at all near the beginning. Therefore, unless you have someone bringing your car around for you, you’ll end up hiking about 2.5 miles, but it’s an easy hike.

Nutmeg and Nora, our Cairn terrier rescues, had a fine time along the way, but weren’t much enthused about posing for their picture near the marker this time.
We’ve really been enjoying the Let’s Move Outside program, because it’s encouraged us to take the pups on these adventures instead of the same old route they walk every day in our neighborhood. Okay, they don’t tire of the same old route, but I do. For them, it’s as if they’re on a new adventure every day, and I try to see the route through their eyes.
Exposing Nutmeg and Nora to the different trails has been good for their confidence. If you’re not familiar with their story, they had a rocky start with us, mostly due to the death of their first owner and two months spent at a kennel awaiting adoption.
Let’s go back to the trail now. The North East Heritage Path winds through the downtown area, most of which was restored after the great fire of 1884. The trail then leads to a pleasant residential area and a couple of quiet parks, ending at the North East campus of Mercyhurst University, a former seminary.
By the time we finishined strolling through the campus, the sun had come out, and we headed back toward the Lake Shore Railway Museum where the trail began. I was excited about getting some good shots there, and in addition to the photography session, we were treated to an up-close and personal encounter with a passing train. I had never had the experience of standing near a railroad track and seeing the headlight of a train approaching.
Here are a few parting shots from the railroad experience, and as we say goodbye for now, we’re looking forward to completing our passport this weekend with the Perry 200 Commemoration Trail.

Corry—Corry’s Trail of Simple Pleasures
Erie—Perry 200 Commemoration Trail
Fairview Township—Pleasant Ridge Park Trail
Harborcreek Township—Harborcreek Community Park Trail
Millcreek Township—The Greenway Trail
North East—North East Heritage Path
Union City—Union City Area School District Trail
Washington Township—Veterans Memorial Park/Wainer Park Trail
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