Seven Peace Pilgrim Quotes on the Power of Thought
Peace Pilgrim was a remarkable woman who walked across America many times spreading a message of peace, beginning during the Korean War in 1953 and ending with her death in 1981. She vowed to keep walking until there was peace in the world, and she walked more than 25,000 miles before she stopped counting.

After her death, Peace Pilgrim’s friends compiled her writings and interviews into a book called Peace Pilgrim – Her Life and Work in Her Own Words. My copy of the book contains hundreds of underlined inspirational quotes, so I decided to pull some of them and curate them into lists that relate to our everyday lives. I’ve also included page numbers, so if you obtain your own copy, you can find the quotes easily.
This post contains seven quotes that relate to the power of thought:
- Do you know that every moment of your life you’re creating through thought? You create your own inner condition; you’re helping create the conditions around you (80).
- If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a defeatist or negative thought (80).
- Let me tell you, junk thoughts can destroy you even more quickly than junk food (15).
- If you’re harboring the slightest bitterness toward anyone, or any unkind thoughts of any sort whatever, you must get rid of them quickly. They are not hurting anyone but you (16).
- It isn’t enough just to do right things and say right things—you must also think right things before your life can come into harmony (16).
- Remember the power of thought and think only about the best that could happen. Dwell only upon the good things you want to see happen (153).
- If you think you can’t do something you can’t. But if you think you can, you might be surprised to discover that you can (80).
Number seven is actually a variation on a Henry Ford quote, but Peace Pilgrim adds a bit of encouragement to Ford’s stark truth. That’s just the way she was. Always encouraging and leading.
Peace Pilgrim’s friends believed that to charge money for a book would be at odds with her core values and decided to offer it for free. They receive enough money in donations to publish and fulfill every request. You can order copies and other materials for free directly from Friends of Peace Pilgrim.
More Peace Pilgrim Posts and Quotations by Subject
Seven Things to Know About Peace Pilgrim

Dear Ann, Thank you for helping continue the “pilgrimage” by sharing information about Peace Pilgrim’s life and message on your website. Her legacy offers hope and freedom of spirit to many seekers of peace around the world. “Live in the present. Do the things you know need to be done. Do all the good you can each day.” ~ Peace Pilgrim
Hi Bruce! Thanks so much for allowing me to use the images from your website. Each one of them is a treasure. Many thanks for keeping her legacy alive and helping us all to be more peaceful and kind. If everyone followed her teachings, there would be no more war.