7 Things You Must Know When Visiting Portugal

PortugalWhenever you visit a country different from your own, it’s helpful to know a few of the essential facts that will make your visit more pleasant, and perhaps, safer. Here’s a list of seven facts about Portugal that are important to know.

  1. Currency – Like most of Europe, Portugal’s currency is the euro. http://www.golisbon.com/practical-lisbon/money.html
  2. Credit cards – In the US, most of us have been issued replacement credit cards with chips in them, but in Europe, many retailers also require a PIN (personal identification number). If you don’t have a PIN, there’s usually a workaround. http://www.frommers.com/destinations/portugal/253464
  3. Dialing – To call Portugal from the US, dial 011-351 and then the local number. To call Portugal from a European country, dial 00-351 followed by the local number. To call any other country from Portugal, dial 00 followed by the country code. Here’s a handy tool: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/dialing.html?p2=133
  4. Emergency help – For police or ambulance, dial 112. http://www.expatica.com/pt/about/Emergency-numbers-in-Portugal_105483.html
  5. Time – The 24-hour clock is used in Portugal. The time zone is the same as Great Britain’s. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/portugal/lisbon
  6. Transportation – Train and bus transportation lags behind the rest of Europe, according to travel expert, Rick Steves.  Taxis are affordable, so they may be a better option, if you’re not staying for an extended period of time.
  7. Language – In Portugal the language is Portuguese, which sort of sounds like Spanish, but different. http://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/portuguese.php

There you have it. Seven essential things you must know about Portugal before, or during, your visit.

De nada.

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Ann Silverthorn writes about a wide variety of topics in numerous genres. She recently completed a biography of William E. Dimorier (1871-1951), a forgotten poet and educator, who dedicated his life to service and leadership and is seeking publication. Several new projects are imminent.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/AnnSilverthorn

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