7 Things to Know about the DAR
When I tell people I belong to the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), sometimes they ask what the DAR is or what it does. Generally, I tell them that DAR members can trace their lineage back to a Revolutionary War patriot and that its members honor American history. But, there’s much more to the organization. Here are seven things to know about the DAR that you might find interesting.

Washington, DC
- The DAR was founded on October 11,1890 by Mary S. Lockwood, Ellen Walworth, Mary Desha, and Eugenia Washington, after the newly formed Sons of the American Revolution resolved to exclude women.
- The DAR’ mission is to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism.
- Since its founding, the DAR has admitted more than 950,000 members, and currently 180,000 women belong to 3,000 chapters around the world.
- Any woman, 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a person who assisted in the American Revolution, may join the DAR.
- The DAR headquarters is located in Washington, DC, on a campus that includes Memorial Continental Hall, Constitution Hall, the DAR Museum, the DAR Library, and the Americana Collection.
- The DAR is not a political organization and does not lobby. Its members subscribe to individual political philosophies.
- The DAR provides scholarships to high school and college students. It also awards grants to 501(c)(3) organizations to support projects that exemplify the DAR mission of historic preservation, education, and patriotism. DAR members log millions of hours volunteering in their communities each year.
So, there you have it: seven things to know about the DAR. The DAR website contains much more interesting information about DAR activities. Visit it at www.dar.org.
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