7 Shots of the Sidewalk Trail

Presque Isle State Park, in northwestern Pennsylvania, provides quiet refuge for clearing one’s head and connecting with nature. The trails that wind throughout this Lake Erie peninsula offer many opportunities for such soothing sojourns.
William E. Dimorier (1871-1951) educator and servant leader, spent many idle hours at Presque Isle. In April of 1941, retired from the Erie School District, he, like many others in northern climates, escaped the long hibernation and headed to the peninsula. Unlike the average visitor, though, he brought a broom with him.

A reporter must have come across William as he swept aside the remnants of winter from the mile-long Sidewalk Trail. The short article, “He Does His Share,” appeared in several newspapers.
Last weekend, my husband and I decided to start walking the Presque Isle trails and thought we’d start with the Sidewalk Trail. This narrow, concrete path was originally constructed for the lighthouse keeper, so he could get to his wooden boat and row across Presque Isle Bay for shopping or business in Erie.
Here are seven of my favorite shots from our two-hour excursion, on a Sunday autumn afternoon, in our beloved northwestern Pennsylvania.

Ann Silverthorn writes about a wide variety of topics in numerous genres. She recently completed a biography of William E. Dimorier (1871-1951), a poet and educator, who dedicated his life to service and leadership. Several new projects are underway.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AnnSilverthorn
Twitter: @annsilverthorn
Instagram: ann_silverthorn
Your photos are beautiful! Did YOU take a broom? Next time, if you didn’t!
Haha! I actually mentioned to Jim that I forgot my broom. It could use some sweeping. And edging.