On the Occasion of its 5-Billionth Shipment – Why I Still Love DVD Netflix
Recently, DVD Netflix celebrated a momentous milestone when it shipped its 5-billionth shipment. There was much anticipation as to who would be the person to receive the shipment and also a contest to predict when it would happen and what genre it would be in. I spent much time ciphering and figuring to come up with my answer, and I was not the winner, of course, but someone is going to be receiving a lot of DVD Netflix swag.

I heard about this odd film and searched DVD Netflix. Of course, they had it. I watched it and watched it again.
So, three years ago I blogged about seven things I liked about DVD Netflix. It seems fitting that I should write an update to the 2016 post, and this time, rather than detailing just seven things, I thought I’d write a love letter to the company that brings so much joy and happiness to my heart. It should be said that DVD Netflix also delivers sadness, terror, and fright depending on the movies I’ve added to my queue. No matter the emotion, I can experience each from my comfy chair. Here we go:
Dear DVD Netflix,
How do I love you? Let me tell you all the ways.
I love . . .
. . . how your site suggests titles for me based on my usage.
. . . searching for and finding nearly any movie that interests me.
. . . finding different versions of a movie on your site.
. . . searching for my favorite actress and binging on her for a month straight.
. . . saving a movie title to my queue before it even hits the theater.
. . . getting new releases faster than streaming gets them.
. . . curling up in my favorite chair and watching someone else’s life.
. . . rewinding a movie if I miss something or just want to see a scene over and over.
. . . pausing a movie if I need to.
. . . turning on captions if the actors are mumbling or have thick accents.
. . . spending less much money than at a movie theater – Cha-Ching.
. . . not dealing with the bright lights of, or conversations on, cell phones in the theater.
. . . how cinematography looks breathtaking in Blu-ray.
. . . filling out the mad-libs on the DVD Netflix red envelopes.
. . . sharing what I’m watching on social media and starting conversations.
Oh, there are so many more reasons I love DVD Netflix, but I think you’ve gotten the picture. If you don’t have DVD Netflix, and you don’t have a DVD player, you can often use your gaming system to play DVDs or Blu-rays and also, DVD players are dirt cheap, so go out and get one!
Disclaimer: I am a DVD Netflix director, which earns me rewards. DVD Netflix has hundreds of thousands of movies to choose from, many that you won’t find on streaming services. #DVDNation #ad
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