Seven Peace Pilgrim Quotes on Finding Your Purpose
Peace Pilgrim was a remarkable woman who walked across America many times spreading a message of peace, beginning during the Korean War in 1953 and ending with her death in 1981. She vowed to keep walking until there was peace in the world, and she walked more than 25,000 miles before she stopped counting.

After her death, Peace Pilgrim’s friends compiled her writings and interviews into a book called Peace Pilgrim – Her Life and Work in Her Own Words. My copy of the book contains hundreds of underlined inspirational quotes, so I decided to pull some of them and curate them into lists that relate to our everyday lives. I’ve also included page numbers, so if you obtain your own copy, you can find the quotes easily.
Ever wonder where you fit in the world?
This post contains seven Peace Pilgrim quotes related to Finding Your Purpose:
- If your life seems empty, you have a wonderful opportunity. Most lives are already at least partially filled with not so good things. If your life seems empty, you have a wonderful opportunity to fill it with only good things (160).
- If you do not know where you fit, I suggest you try seeking it in receptive silence (11).
- I felt a complete willingness, without any reservations, to give my life—to dedicate my life—to service. ‘Please use me!’ I prayed to God. And a great peace came over me (7).
- Most people interested in vacations are those who are doing things they are not called to do, which they want to get away from for a while (47).
- Your lower self sees you as the center of the universe—your higher self sees you as a cell in the body of humanity (8).
- You can come to the point of oneness of desire, just to know and do your part in the Life Pattern (17).
- Those who seem to fail pave the way and often contribute more than whose who finally succeed (100).

Peace Pilgrim’s friends believed that to charge money for a book would be at odds with her core values and decided to offer it for free. They receive enough money in donations to publish and fulfill every request. You can order copies and other materials for free directly from Friends of Peace Pilgrim.

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