Applying Aristotle’s Wisdom to Strengthen America
At least seven celebrities have vowed to leave the USA, if a Republican is elected president. This type of attitude can destroy America.
The degree of division in the United States makes it unlikely that our country will be able to prevail over the long term.
Republicans against Democrats. Liberals against conservatives. America is in such turmoil that those who wish to see us fail can hardly contain themselves in their delight.

Here’s my postulate:
Republicans and Democrats are discrete groups.
- Republicans have an interest in America.
- Democrats have an interest in America.
However, America is greater than the sum of Republicans and Democrats.
The last statement, that America is greater than the sum of Republicans and Democrats is true—and then some.

If you place both the Republican and Democrat circles inside the larger one, which represents America, and then add smaller circles for each of the more than 30 other United States political parties, plus more for those who don’t belong to any political party, you could never completely fill America’s circle. There will always be empty spaces.
Therefore, à la Aristotle: America is greater than the sum of its parts.
If those with a vested interest in America want to see it prevail, it is in their best interest to apply and test their beliefs against what strengthens the country as a whole, not just their particular interest.
This isn’t communism. It’s compromise. We all have to live together.
No matter which party prevails in November, it’s our duty to support the newly elected leader.
That being said, it is the president’s job to represent all citizens and be the best leader he or she can be, without regard to party lines. That means not bashing the political party opposite theirs, because in doing so, they alienate almost half of the citizens. That weakens the country.
We may disagree with the new president, but we should do so based on each circumstance.
Let’s not knee-jerk oppose every decision, just because it comes out of a different camp. Congress should vote that way, too, without fear of being vilified by their particular parties.
So, Jon, Raven, Rosie, Cher, Samuel, and the rest, if the election doesn’t go your way, bon voyage, but I’d rather you stay. Use your influence to be role models and help America become the country our patriots dreamed of when they fought and died for freedom.
For the rest of us, no matter our political party, liberal or conservative belief, citizen status, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, or race, we all have a vested interest in this country.
It is to our benefit to work together and strengthen our country. It is our duty to be mindful of the legacy we leave to future generations.
Ann Silverthorn writes about a wide variety of topics in numerous genres. She’s currently working on a biography of William E. Dimorier (1871-1951), a nearly forgotten poet and educator, who dedicated his life to service and leadership.
Twitter: @annsilverthorn
Instagram: ann_silverthorn
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