Do you like the feeling of cool, refreshing water on your skin and the sights and sounds of nature all round you? You might like the list of seven swimming holes, I found in the June 2015
Better Homes & Gardens (pg. 153). Here they are:
1. Ohiopyle State Park, PA
I love that this place was listed first, because I’m a native Pennsylvanian. There’s awesome white-water rafting on the Youghiogheny, and Frank Loyd Wright’s Falling Water is in the neighborhood in addition to the waterfalls and swimming holes. dcnr.state.pa.us
2. Platte Cove, New York
Located in the Catskills, Platte Cove sits in a valley that drops 1,000 feet in a mile. There’s a splash pool at the base of a waterfall, too.
3. Warren Falls, Vermont
Located in a national park, this secluded spot features swimming holes and a natural water slide. A well-kept secret in the Mad River Valley.
4. Diana’s Baths, New Hampshire
You’ll find children at this spot on Lucy Brook just outside North Conway where deep-soaking tubs lie at the bottom of 75-ft. cascading falls.
5. Cape Cod Kettle Ponds, Massachusetts
Rent a bike and ditch parking lots to reach more than 350 glacial indentations, including Great Pond and Long Pond.
6. The Ledges, Maine
Located below Mt. Katahdin, the northern terminus of the Appalachian trail, is Ledge Falls. There you’ll find natural slides over smooth granite into sparking swimming holes. Limited parking keeps the crowds away.
7. Mount Tom State Park, Connecticut
A dip in the pond will be welcome after you climb the historic stone tower where you’ll enjoy 360-degree views in Litchfield Hills.
There you have it. Seven swimming holes worth checking out. There’s still plenty of summer left, so go ahead. What are you waiting for?
Ann Silverthorn writes about a wide variety of topics in numerous genres. She’s currently working on a biography of William E. Dimorier (1871-1951), a nearly forgotten poet and educator, who dedicated his life to the betterment of young people.
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