7 Things to Do When You’re Tagging Along at Your Partner’s Conference (Hyatt Regency Orlando)

So, your spouse (or partner) is going to Orlando and wants you to tag along. You’ve already been to Disney more than once. You’ve been to Orlando umpteen times for conferences yourself. You don’t mind a few days of warmth and downtime, but what else can you do to make the time worthwhile and give yourself something to talk about when you get home?
In my case, my husband’s conference was held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando on International Drive, and we did not rent a car. So, I decided to see what I could do in the Hyatt neighborhood during the three days he’d be in sessions, and I’d be largely unattended.
1. I-Ride Trolley – When Jim came back from registration on the evening before the conference, he presented me with a ticket for a free, full-day pass on the I-Ride Trolley. So, I decided to check out the plethora of possibilities along the trolley route. A full-day pass is only $5 and gives you unlimited rides and transfers.
2. Outlet Malls – Shopping seems obvious, but Tim Smythe, the Expedia concierge at the Hyatt, says that a lot of people hop on the trolley and ride to one outlet mall at the north end of the route and then all the way to the other mall at the south end of the route (definitely too far to walk, in my opinion). The malls are different enough from each other that covering them both is definitely worthwhile, according to Smythe. To do both malls can easilty take up an entire day.
3. The Pools – One thing that’s nice about the Hyatt’s pools is that there’s plenty of seating. I’m always happy when I arrive at a pool and there’s somewhere to sit. The Hyatt Regency Orlando has two main pool areas. The Grotto features a restaurant/bar, called Coconuts and chair-side service. The Terrace is a lap pool and is much more sedate. There’s also a one-foot wading pool in this area for the kiddies. There are also Serenity pools, but you must use the spa for a pass to those, or pay an additional $20 per person. See some pics from the Grotto pool below.
4. The Spa – The Hyatt’s Spa is a full-service facility offering massages, manicures, facials, nail treatments, and more. As a benchmark, a classic pedicure is $65 (50 minutes).
5. Dining – There are several restaurants on the property. For Italian, Fiorenzo’s; for upscale American, Urban Tide, and for a homey feel, the B-Line Diner. But there are so many restaurants in the area, you will not go hungry. See some photos of the Urban Tide below.
6. The Pointe – If you’re staying at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, it’s just a quick walk to the Pointe, where you’ll find many upscale eateries , shopping, and entertainment . If your spouse has an evening event that you’ve opted not to spend $150 to go bowling with him and his fellow conference attendees, you might want to take in a movie at the Regal cinema. I did. Me and a big tub of popcorn.
7. Bike Rides – Concierge Smythe says that most Hyatt Regency Orlando guests are not aware that they can borrow bikes at the pool area. This is included in the hotel reservation, and is a great way to explore the area.
So, if you’re spouse/partner is headed to Orlando and graciously invites you to come along, go right ahead. You won’t be bored, and you’ll benefit from the change of scenery, especially if you’re from the north and have been through a cruel winter. Here are some images from our stay at the Hyatt Regency Orlando.
Ann Silverthorn is a blogger who also writes about a wide variety of topics in numerous genres, including non-fiction, fiction, poetry, travel, and grant writing. She’s currently on a seven-things kick and presents seven-point content about a variety of topics. These seven points are easy to remember and share with your friends when the conversation wanes.
Twitter: @annsilverthorn
Instagram: ann_silverthorn

I feel as if I just returned from Orlando after having read and enjoyed your blog.